California Water Company Testimonial_0002
Case Study

California Water Company, San Jose – San Mateo Division

Date:   September 1, 1998

To:    Whom It May Concern 

From:   David W. Jackson

Re:     California Water Company, San Jose – San Mateo Division

Location: San Mateo, CA.

Site: Polhemus Road (photo attached)

Situation:                                  San Mateo is located in a seismically active area in the hills West of the San Francisco airport and experienced a broken 1O” water main. The 10″ main was moved laterally approximately 50 to 60 feet due to a hill slide. Several homes above this area were condemned and removed.

Product:                                (6/250′) lengths of 6″ Portable Pipeline with Banded-On Cast Aluminum end pieces w/ Victaulic grooves.


(CWC) decided to purchase the Portable Pipeline System and deploy 2 parallel lines 750′ to replace the broken 10″ cast iron water main. The 10″ main had approximately 175 lbs of water pressure on it at all times. CWC bolted 2 cast iron reducing “T”s with 6″ butterfly valves on each line. They connected two 6″ parallel lines with Banded-On Aluminum Victaulic groove ends to the 6″ Tee’s by using Victaulic #741 Vic-Flange adapters.

The California Water Co. field maintenance crew deployed two parallel lines 750 feet each in just a few hours. Using the Portable Pipeline System eliminated the need for extra manpower and any special equipment for deployment. Each length was rolled down the hill and dragged over the rocky terrain by hand . The crew doing the work commented that the product was “a lot easier to move and a lot tougher than what they had thought.”

CWC expect the 6 lengths to be on location for at least 6 to 8 months due to the continuous shifting soil and potential for a complete line failure.

Once this project is finished the Portable Pipeline will be kept in reserve in the maintenance yard ready to be used for any scheduled shutdowns or future emergencies where drinking water is needed.

CWC considers the purchase of the Portable Pipeline System to be a very “cost effective” investment and expect to purchase additional lengths in the future.

Factory:  910 E Noble Way Santa Maria, CA. 93454 Tel: 800-747-7075 Fax: 805-922-0086

Field Location: 3844 Mistral Dr. Huntington Beach, CA. 92649 Tel: 714-840-3740 Fax: 714-840-1434 Pg: 800-504-2514

Case Study

CA/AM Water Company -Monterey

Date: November 15, 2000

To: Whom It May Concern

From: David W. Jackson

Re: CA/AM Water Company -Monterey


Location:                         City of Monterey

Site:                                  Repair of 30″ Main


Situation:                        CA/AM Water Company of Chula Vista with an area office in Monterey discovered a leak in an existing 30″ supply main. In order to repair the single line they required a “back up” line to be in place prior to beginning the repair.


On the 6th of November the CA/AM Water Company from the Monterey area office was informed that they had a leak in an existing 30″ water main. The main had a static pressure of over 100 psi. The line was old and had numerous rusted areas finally causing the line to leak.

Arrangements were made to borrow a total of 250 feet in various lengths of 12″. Loaning the 12″ Portable Pipeline was made through the agreements within the Water Area Resource Network (WARN II) organization.

A call was made to EBMUD who made arrangements to bring 250′ of the 12″ Blue Portable Pipeline with all necessary accessories to connect the temporary line to the existing water main at both ends. The 12″ temporary line was placed above ground parallel to the primary 30″ pipeline. The temporary line was charged with water and on reserve inthe event of the 30″ line rupturing during repair.

Upon project completion CA/AM made arrangements to budget funds for additional lengths of 6″ and 12″. These two sizes makeup the majority of supply needed for their future emergency preparedness programs.

Factory:  910 E. Noble Way Santa Maria, CA.  93454  Tel: 800-747-7075  Fax: 805-922-0086

Field Office: 3844 Mistral Dr. Huntington Bch, CA. 92649 Te/:714-840-3740 Fax:7 l4-840-J 434 Pg:B00-504-2514


Case Study Emergency Response Systems for Water and Wastewater NSF Hose Potable Water

Case Study: Eddie Rodriguez

Customer: Eddie Rodriguez formerly of Olivenhain Municipal Water District


High lining 2 back flows using the Aquaman 1” lay flat hose through the ¼” test ports from the hydrant.

There was enough flow and psi to sustain 2 restaurants for 2 days while the 6” gate valve was being replaced on the 6” fire detector.

The Aquaman hose has been a great investment and benefit to O.M.W.D. when a temporary water main high line is needed.




Lay flat hoses can cross commercial and residential areas without causing any interruptions.